Sunday, December 16, 2007

Pets are very important members of a family. They are wonderful companions who offer their owners unconditional love. A cat or a dog can definitely be counted on for comfort in lonely times. They are very generous with their affection. All they ask in return is a warm place to sleep, a bowl of water and nutritious food. Considering all they give their owners, these requests could be seen as trivial. Although providing food and shelter for pets may not be a big deal, it is imperative they receive exactly what they need.

There are many kinds of pet food on the market today. If shopping for pet food an individual will find all sorts of well-known brand names as well as no name brands. If buying from a pet store or veterinarian there are special diets available. It's very important to know what you are feeding your pets. Some pet foods may taste great to your cat or dog but contain very little nutrients. Just as humans need nutrients and vitamins to maintain a healthy body, pets need them also. Many pets are fed from the family table. Owners may assume feeding their pets table food provides them with proper nutrition. This is not necessarily true. After all, not all humans are in the habit of maintaining healthy diets. Sure pets love table scraps and are not likely to turn them down but are they actually benefiting them or hurting them?

Vitamins and minerals are very important in a pet's diet. When pet food is initially made or processed there are vitamins and minerals added. However through the processing stages many of these are lost. When pet food is exposed to light and air many of the nutrients are broken down and therefore the pet is not receiving the intended amounts. This is where multivitamins come into the picture. Multivitamins are important for your pets. Because much of the needed nutrients are not included in pet food or lost before the pet gets them, multivitamin supplements are an excellent way to insure pets receive the recommended amount. Just as there are multivitamin supplements for humans, there are multivitamin supplements for pets.

Why are multivitamins so important for your pets? As with humans, pets are subjected to sickness and disease. A proper diet, including necessary vitamins and minerals help to insure a pet is fully guarded against common diseases seen in pets. Multivitamins are able to boost your pet's immune system, preparing them for fighting off parasites and disease. Multivitamins are important for your pet's heart health and to insure healthy gums and teeth. As pets age these issues become more and more important and so multivitamins are definitely recommended for aging pets.

An issue that tends to torment pets, especially dogs as the age is bone and joint disease. Often termed as arthritis, there are several types of bone disease seen in these pets which affect different areas of their bodies. Pets, unlike humans are unable to verbally express their pain and suffering. They may be silently suffering with excruciating joint pain, unknown to their owners. With time this pain will become visible in the way the pet walks and moves around. Multivitamins can help pets maintain healthy joints and bones. A pet requires certain minerals and vitamins to maintain joint and bone health. Because owners aren't certain they are receiving these necessities in their pet food, multivitamin supplements are important.

You know now that multivitamins are important for your pets, which multivitamin supplements should you give them and where do you buy them? Perhaps the best person to ask about multivitamin recommendations for your pet is their doctor, the veterinarian. Through regular examinations your pet's vet will recognize any abnormalities that might exist. If your pet is showing signs of poor health in their joints and/or bones, the vet will know what they need. Proper multivitamins can help your pet's joints and bones, helping them to live a longer and more enjoyable life.

The Internet is a great resource for information about the importance of multivitamins for your pets. There are countless websites which are dedicated to pets and their wellness. These sites provide beneficial details about the relevance of specific vitamins and minerals for your pet's health. Researching and learning all you can about what your pet needs will help you insure they hang around for a long time. Just as there are many types of pet food on the market, there are many kinds of multivitamins on the market for your pets. Not all pets require the same dosages of multivitamins so it's imperative to learn what your pet needs before adding them to your pet's daily regime. Your pets love you. Return that love by providing them with multivitamins.

About the Author

Grant Eckert is a freelance writer who writes about topics concerning pet care such as Pet Medicine
