Friday, December 21, 2007

Anyone who has recently adopted a kitten should be aware of potential cat behavior problems. Being aware of these problems can help make your kittens adjustment a positive experience. This will prevent some of the common problems and frustrations that may cause a new owner to return the kitten to the shelter or breeder.

One of the first things you should consider when adopting a kitten is what supplies your will need. Before bring your pet home, you should be equipped with a litter box and litter, food and a few toys. It is also helpful to have a few kitten training books available for quick reference. These can be found at any pet store or local library.

It is also important to make sure you give your new arrival a little bit of time to settle in. Cats and kittens are sensitive to new situations, and don't always react well to all the new sights, sounds, and smells. It is perfectly normal for your kitten to hide under furniture for a day or two. Give your little guy or girl a few days to relax and feel comfortable.

Before getting your new kitty, you need to think about how to handle his intrinsic need to scratch. Most experts will tell you that you should have two separate scratching posts for each kitty in your household. These can be the inexpensive cardboard kind or more expensive kitty condos. Your kitty won't be picky, so the type really doesn't matter as much as the fact that you need to have the posts ready for use.

The litter box is also an important arena. Kittens naturally learn to use a litter box, so litter training a cat is unnecessary, but sometimes they can be finicky about the box. Make sure that it is located in a quiet area, away from children or other pets. Purchase the same kind of litter that they used at the shelter or breeder. Scoop and clean it regularly, so that it's smell doesn't bother your new kitten.

Don't be in too big of hurry to introduce your new pet to other pets in your household. Keep you kitty in a bedroom or bathroom for a couple of days and let the other pets sniff him under the door. You may hear some hissing and scratching for awhile, but don't worry. It's normal pet behavior. One way to introduce and old cat to a new cat is by feeding them together. That way each will associate the pleasure of eating with the other which will help them to bond.

About the Author

If you are aware of how to handle cat behavior problems and better understand cat behavior in general, you can help both yourself and your pet conquer the behaviors that often cause new pet owners to return their kitten to the shelter or breeder.
