Friday, December 21, 2007

A pet can easily fill any home with happiness and joy. Many pet owners find that they truly enjoy all the time they spend with their pet. There are a variety of options for pets. Some might prefer a goldfish, while others prefer a pony. Gerbils, snakes, hamsters and turtles are a few additional options. Of course, the most common household pet is a cat or dog.

When considering owning a pet, training is the most important aspect. If you choose to own a puppy, you will first have to know that training a puppy requires alot of work. Puppies require basic training such as commands to sit, stay, and come. They also require to be housebroken, or to be able to let their owner know when they need to go outside. Cats do not require as much training as puppies, but they still require some.

Cat training is an important aspect of responsible kitten ownership. Without training kittens can wreak havoc on the home. They will often climb on and scratch furniture, eat plants, and occasionally bite. Litter box training is generally easy with kittens. Kittens learn quickly how to use the litter box after being shown only a few times. The mother cat aids in litter box training, often teaching the kitten how to use the litter box as well as teaching the kitten how to clean them selves.

A different degree of training is necessary where a kitten was removed from its mother before it was sufficiently mature. If the kitten urinates on the floor, you should introduce it to the litter box more frequently. Be sure to keep an eye on your houseplants as well, since a kitten sometimes decides a plant is the proper location if it can't locate its litter box.

If you have a particularly young cat, you might want to have a few spare litter boxes around. Kittens are like small children. If they are involved with playing, they might not make it to a box in time. They might have an accident. If you have numerous cats, it is normal for them to not want to share their litter box. If your previously trained cat suddenly starts avoiding its litter box, you might discover it does not want to share with the new kitten.

The last important factor in cat training is to get the cat to recognize its name. A dog will often willingly come to you when it learns its name. The same cannot be said of cats. This does not mean that the cat is stupid or unable to learn its name. Cats are not creatures that easily obey; rather they tend to do as they please. On a cold night though, if you call the cats name to come inside, it will come.

About the Author

Training a kitten can be difficult, but is also very important. It is normal for your kitten to exhibit some bad behavior if it is not trained or new to your home, and training may be required from an early age. If you notice cat urine, make sure to introduce the kitten to its litter box.
