Cat behavior problems are normal and difficult for owners to deal with at times. Every cat owner wants a good relationship with his cat. In general, cats are known to be independent and aloof, which is part of their appeal to some owners. But there are some behaviors that make it difficult to share a harmonious home with your cat. Understanding a little about these behaviors makes them easier to deal with.
Relieving Outside The Litter Box
This behavior can be caused by any number of reasons: medical conditions, stress, preference, location of the litter box and sanitary conditions. Your veterinarian should check your cat for any symptoms of diseases and conditions that affect the frequency of elimination in your cat. These can include: lower urinary tract disease, kidney disease or colitis.
Putting several litter boxes around your house can be a solution for this problem. There is no need to go to a lot of extra expense for this. Dishpans or big plastic containers will work just fine. Also, most animals will not eat in the same area where they eliminate waste, so you can try putting your cat's feeding bowl in the spot where he tends to do this. Chances are good that he will not repeat the offense there. Reward him when he uses the litter box, but be careful not to scold him when he doesn't. This will only put stress on him and cause further bad behavior.
Cat Aggression
As cats get older, they may start to show more aggressive behavior. Medical problems, such as arthritis, can be the cause of this. They may also become startled more easily when their hearing or eyesight is failing and this may put them on edge. Good veterinary care is the most important preventative step you can take to assure that your cat does not show aggressive behavior. Another idea is to withdraw from your cat or to place him in a room alone. This method may sound harsh to some cat owners; however, your cat's aggression could simply be a case of over-stimulation. Just as you occasionally need "me" time, so does your cat. If there have been some major changes in your home, your cat may be reacting to the added stress. You may try to give him some special attention so the he feels closer to you during this time. Finally, animal behaviorist may also be able to direct you in ways to calm your cat down and help him to be more enjoyable.
Cat Scratching
Just as dogs and other animals "mark their territory," a cat will do so by scratching, which leaves a scent behind. It is common for them to return to the same object and apply their scent again. Usually, they return to the object and apply their scent on it again. Giving your cat a safe zone where he can scratch to his heart's content can solve this problem. This may be a scratching post made of cardboard, carpet or wood, or a piece of old furniture. Put this in a prominent area where your cat spends a lot of time.
Many times what are called "cat behavior problems" are simply instinctive behavior that we do not like. Cats may be trained to avoid certain behaviors as long as owners are willing to take the proper steps and be consistent in their training methods. This will result in a happier environment for both cat and owner.
About the Author
If your cat is always "in the doghouse," learn more about cat behavior and tame the beast in your kitty.
Relieving Outside The Litter Box
This behavior can be caused by any number of reasons: medical conditions, stress, preference, location of the litter box and sanitary conditions. Your veterinarian should check your cat for any symptoms of diseases and conditions that affect the frequency of elimination in your cat. These can include: lower urinary tract disease, kidney disease or colitis.
Putting several litter boxes around your house can be a solution for this problem. There is no need to go to a lot of extra expense for this. Dishpans or big plastic containers will work just fine. Also, most animals will not eat in the same area where they eliminate waste, so you can try putting your cat's feeding bowl in the spot where he tends to do this. Chances are good that he will not repeat the offense there. Reward him when he uses the litter box, but be careful not to scold him when he doesn't. This will only put stress on him and cause further bad behavior.
Cat Aggression
As cats get older, they may start to show more aggressive behavior. Medical problems, such as arthritis, can be the cause of this. They may also become startled more easily when their hearing or eyesight is failing and this may put them on edge. Good veterinary care is the most important preventative step you can take to assure that your cat does not show aggressive behavior. Another idea is to withdraw from your cat or to place him in a room alone. This method may sound harsh to some cat owners; however, your cat's aggression could simply be a case of over-stimulation. Just as you occasionally need "me" time, so does your cat. If there have been some major changes in your home, your cat may be reacting to the added stress. You may try to give him some special attention so the he feels closer to you during this time. Finally, animal behaviorist may also be able to direct you in ways to calm your cat down and help him to be more enjoyable.
Cat Scratching
Just as dogs and other animals "mark their territory," a cat will do so by scratching, which leaves a scent behind. It is common for them to return to the same object and apply their scent again. Usually, they return to the object and apply their scent on it again. Giving your cat a safe zone where he can scratch to his heart's content can solve this problem. This may be a scratching post made of cardboard, carpet or wood, or a piece of old furniture. Put this in a prominent area where your cat spends a lot of time.
Many times what are called "cat behavior problems" are simply instinctive behavior that we do not like. Cats may be trained to avoid certain behaviors as long as owners are willing to take the proper steps and be consistent in their training methods. This will result in a happier environment for both cat and owner.
About the Author
If your cat is always "in the doghouse," learn more about cat behavior and tame the beast in your kitty.
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